Board and Train

Dog obedience training with Golden Standard Canine Training in southern Illinois

Looking for dog obedience training?

Want fast results in your dog obedience training? With the Board and Train Program your dog will stay in one of our trainer's homes where he will learn new skills at an expedited pace. The Board and Train Program gives you results in your dog obedience training quickly without having to put in the labor!

We do the hard work by laying the foundation of your dog's new skill set and providing you with the ability to preserve their new knowledge base. All skills are taught in a variety of settings, giving your dog the exposure he needs to sustain focus and understanding in multiple situations.

Board and Train is also ideal for problem areas that require intensive dog obedience training such as dog reactivity, dog-to-dog aggression, or dog-to-human aggression.


Need something fixed right away? Choose your problem areas, such as house-training, and we will work on it while you're at your job for the day. Includes 1 follow-up lesson for each day. This is a great option of any of our current or past clients who need a "tune-up".

1 Week Wake-Up

Have your dog listen to you in a short period of time! With the 1 week program you're getting full leash obedience meaning your dog can sit, stay, go to bed or down, and walk on loose leash when there's distracting things going on. During this time issues such as house training and basic house manners; no jumping, staying off the couch, dropping items that should not be played with, are incorporated in the daily interactions with your dog. When your dog goes home you receive a course on how to maintain his new behaviors. This package includes 3 months of follow-up care. So you can call, text, or email with questions or you can come weekly (as you can accommodate) to see us for a private lesson and refresh your memory of what you need to do.

2 Week "Gold"en Standard

Get everything you always wanted in a dog! This 2 week program includes walking on a loose leash, sit, down, sit-stay, down-stay, place/bed, come on command, and off leash dog obedience training. Training addresses issues such as house training and basic house manners. Whether you're at home or in town you can count on your dog to be attentive and obedient. You also receive 2 bonus skills or problem areas of your choosing. With the purchase of this program you receive 6 months of unlimited follow-up care.

Board and Maintain

Maybe you've already gone through our programs and have worked hard to keep your dog's skills up. With the Board and Maintain option your dog stays in Carissa's home where his obedience will be maintained. Structured walks, play time, and a calm home environment are all perks of the Board and Maintain option.